Monday, April 9, 2012

Steelhead 2012!!!

I took they boys on their first steelhead fishing trip to Challis, Idaho. I was a little concerned about how the boys would deal with the trip. Steelheading is a tough trip. Huge, powerful river, long days of casting, cold water and weather and most of the time, few fish. I planned a few other activities in case the boys didn't dig this tough fishing.

The boys were awesome! I was amazed to see Thomas and Carter hang out and cast standing in crotch-deep, icy water--in the middle of a blizzard... Well, it did help that they were casting to 3 feet long fish! What a hoot. I'm proud of my little men.

Carter's First Steelhead!!!

Carter did what few experienced flyfishermen have done--landed a huge steelhead on a fly rod. He even did it in the middle of a blizzard! What a stud! I'm afraid I have a fisherman on my hands now...