Sunday, October 11, 2009

Youth Waterfowl Hunt/Waterfowl Opener

I'm kinda behind this week, so I'm just going to post photos of a couple of recent hunts. I took Caleb and Carter on their first official hunt on the youth water fowl hunt in September (Tom came too) and the waterfowl opener in October.

There were lot's of birds on the youth hunt. Kids shot lots of shells and had great oppotunities to take ducks and geese, but we didn't get to eat any birds--my definition of a perfect waterfowl hunt.

The waterfowl opener was as quiet a opening day as I have ever seen. We did have some ducks swim into our decoys and the boys counted to 3 and blazed away. 5 shots later the ducks were still flying and we were all giggling. Altogether a fun time.